
Working together with mutual respect is both productive and rewarding.

Agricom Group is an equal opportunity employer. We provide employees with fair and reasonable treatment with respect to working hours, wages, accommodations, and professional development. We also proactively manage health and safety risks. Agricom Group engages local leaders and organizations to create positive impacts on the community.

Human Rights

We conduct business in a manner that preserves and respects human dignity.

Agricom Group’s labor policy commits us to maintaining a healthy and safe work environment for all of our employees and contractors.

Health & Safety
Agricom Group is committed to maintaining the highest health and safety standards for employees, customers, and contractors. Our commitment encompasses health and safety risks in the workplace, at agricultural worksites, and during travel on Company business.

Training & Development

High-quality training is fundamental to the success of our employees, as well as to the success of our business.

Social & Economic Impact
Our philanthropic activities reflect the Company’s values and focus on a limited range of social and educational issues that call for strategic involvement and partnerships with community organizations. Because we care about our impact on society, we focus on areas where our organizational strengths, our technological expertise, and our cultural values can have the greatest impact.

Sustainable supply chains

Agricom Group expects our supply chain partners and business partners to adhere to the principles in our Code of Business Conduct, including the commitment to uphold human rights, to treat their employees with dignity and respect and to comply with applicable employment laws.
